Top 5 items for a Nursing Mama


Breastfeeding is hard work! Prior to having El, I wanted to exclusively breast feed for at least 6 months. While I wanted to do this because I thought it was best for my baby and my health I also thought it would save us a lot of money on formula!

Although I know some women have difficultly nursing, there are a few tools that can help ease you into the nursing journey.

Every Nursing Mama Needs…

  1. Reusable nursing pads
  2. Milksaver & Haakaa
  3. Breastfriend
  4. Nursing tanks
  5. Lots of water!

Reusable Nursing Pads

During the first three months after giving birth, I would leak all the time! I would leak when El cried, when another baby cried, when I hadn’t fed in over two hours, etc. My friend gave me these awesome reusable Wegreeco Bamboo Nursing Pads that are colorful and super soft. With seven pairs in a pack, you have a pair for each day of the week and the mesh bag is great for containing all the pads in the wash. When I tried the disposable pads, I found that the material was too scratchy for my very sensitive nipples.

Milksaver & Haakaa

Most moms struggle with supply once they go back to work. Knowing El would start daycare around 5 months, I started a freezer stash as soon as possible! The Milksaver and Haakaa are great tools to build that supply.

When feeding, on one side, your breast lets down on the other, so why not collect that extra milk! Depending on your supply, that collection could be upwards to two ounces each feeding! That adds up very quickly especially if you are feeding at least five times a day! The Milksaver collects in a cup that is placed in your bra – no suction required. At night, I would place a lunch box with an ice pack and bottle in the nursery to save running back and forth to the fridge. Throughout the night, I would collect the milk from the Milksaver after each feeding. Most nights, I collected upwards to five ounces just from letdown!

While the Haakaa also collects from letdown, it suctions, collecting about twice as much but also communicating to your body to produce more milk. I used this tool, when my supply first came in and my breasts were hard as rocks. Once the suction relieved the initial pressure, I then removed it. Some women need to use the Haakaa for a few minutes prior to feeding so the letdown isn’t too powerful for their baby. I would highly recommend getting two 5oz Haakaas.

One of the downfalls of the Haakaa, it can easily lose suction and fall off during feeding, especially if your baby enjoys squirming! It took me losing over 10 ounces of milk to discover a more secure way of suctioning the Haakaa to my breast.


I used the Breastfriend on a nightly basis during the first two months of El’s life. Nightly feedings can be very exhausting, and I never felt comfortable latching El while laying down. In order to stay awake, I would use the Breastfriend which would keep me upright and him secure on the pillow. Although I wouldn’t use it during the day, I strongly believe it was money well spent for the peace of mind.

Medela Nursing Tanks

Nursing tanks are an essential item in any nursing mom’s wardrobe. I love that the Medela tanks are longer and offer more structure compared to other tank tops. By wearing a tank, any shirt becomes nursing friendly and you are not showing off your postpartum body.

Lots of water!!!

Last but not least, every nursing mom needs to consume a lot of water. During the first couple weeks of nursing you will always feel parched, that is your body telling you to drink! In addition to needing water, I needed VERY VERY cold water. These Starbucks tumblers and this Hydroflask are perfect for keeping iced water super chilly. With any water bottle, make sure you have a straw, it allows you to go hands free and I always feel like I drink more water.


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